Dogs' Village

Second Home Foundation

We aim to increase adoption opportunities for homeless dogs by reaching out to those potentially interested in adoption.

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People involved

The Dog Village, is a temporary shelter for dogs who, for various reasons lost their home, or never had one. This is where we will create their “own” homes and even garden – their own territory. And above all, we will give them a dog -walker -, a man who lives with the dog and and above all, and when necessary, trains them and socializes them. And when the dog is ready he will find them a loving family. A home that will forever be theirs. The implementation of the project will be based on European experience - mainly the Scandinavian one , where the problem of pet homelessness or suffering of dogs has been reduced practically to minimum. Wroclaw has a chance to become the first city in Poland, where the community values of humanitarianian attitudes towards animals , will first break through and build temporary homes for our lesser brothers and sisters .From different countries, from different cultures, but in one European village.

Our help



Walks with dogs from shelters.


We help you find a Second Home.


We teach how to take care of a dog and what it means to own a four-legged friend.

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